Registered with the Electoral Commission – PP1713 – 25/3/2011

Registered Description List:

 Common sense flood defence
 National Flood Prevention Party
 Common sense coastal defence
 Putting people and property first
 Fair treatment for flood victims
 Seeking fair and affordable insurance
 Exposing flooding myths
 Reducing the probability of flooding
 Supporting flood defence investment
 Putting flood defence first
 Exposing authorities shirking their responsibilities

Local link to Registered descriptions

My name is Ewan Larcombe and I have lived downstream of Windsor (UK) on River Thames flood plain for almost my entire life.  My parents and my grandparents also lived here under the constant threat of fluvial flooding.  My god-mothers brother kindly supplied images of the 1947 flood event that you will find here – Wraysbury – 1947 flood images – with 2009 comparison.  Then we had a problem with a our railway bridge Wraysbury Railway Bridge collapse – May 1988 and now we have the issue of reservoir flooding due to lack of maintenance – April 2006 – Queen Mother Reservoir – burst pipe at embankment toe.   Ageing reservoirs can lead to the possibility of embankment breach or collapse (risk of flooding from reservoirs)

This emblem may be used on election materials with NFPP permission.